Heeding The Seemingly Unimportant
Self-help gurus have said that we have to be thankful for the big things in life and recommend thanking God for the good fortune of enjoying some of them in your life. We all do that every now and then. You know, go to the local temple when the son or daughter of the house has passed SSC or similar. But when it is something bigger, like getting engaged or married, say, then it is off to Shirdi or Tirupati or some such. Bigger thanks have to be given, you see!
But what about all the small things in your life? Didn’t the same God help put all those things into your life as well? And is your life not so much the better because they are there? Just think about it. How many times will you pass an SSC exam? Compared to that you drink a hot cup of tea or coffee every day in the morning. Don’t you want that to be made just perfect? Doesn’t your wife or mother know just how you like it? What about that? Should you not be thankful to the good Lord to have given you that simple privilege every day of your life? I thought I should put down a few things that are small but add immeasurably to my life. Here they are.
First up would be that morning coffee. I cannot imagine life without it. It just, kind of, sets the pace for the day. As I sit sipping a hot cup the first thing in the morning and leafing thru the morning papers, I am at peace. Where is the price for that?
I may not have made it to the Billionaire list of magazines (yet!!) but I am thankful that I have enough money to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on my table and I do not have to worry about these aspects for perhaps the rest of my life.
I have hair on my head!! That may not sound like a big deal to many of you, but I tell you, in a house where I never saw my father with hair, my brothers were bald by late twenties having hair on my head when I am heading into the slog overs of my life is indeed a gratifying feeling!
My friends from a long time. I am thankful that I still have some high school bum chums who are still around and we are still as thick as we were when we were in our teens. Very few things beat the feeling of comfort and camaraderie that you have with friends.
I still don’t need spectacles to do almost all of my work. Since my work is so much visual oriented, this is something that I pay thanks to the good Lord every day of my life.
I guess by now you are getting the idea of what I mean. It is the everyday thing that matters so much more. We have to be thankful for them more than the few random happy events that happen to us. I suggest every one take time out to think about all the small things in their life. I guarantee you that you will begin appreciating your life suddenly a lot more!!
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