We are always trying to improve everything- because that is how we have all been taught as we grew up. Everything MUST improve, we are told. So whether you are in school or college or employment or now it is the time for your kids etc. etc. we are on this permanent treadmill run seeking improvement.

In this run, we are aware sometimes of how to do it but in many cases we don’t even know how to go about improving whatever we want to.

It is not overly difficult. Persistence is what we need, primarily. How to get that persistence? Think of a time period of one minute. It may not seem like much and one would think that what can one minute of doing anything achieve?

Answer is, plenty. See, two minutes is twice of one minute but one minute is infinitely more than zero. And here, zero is the value of not doing something even for one minute!  So, persisting in doing something towards creating a change for the better even for one minute is infinitely more than never beginning that effort.  That is main point to remember. Start. Don’t delay. Those who delay end up being dreamers. Those who do start, have a good shot of creating those improvements that you desire.

Improvements also need a goal. Those goals may emerge from competing with something that you have seen somewhere. Essentially, something outside. Realise that when you compete with the outside, you are actually comparing yourself and in reality, you are allowing the other person or situation dictate your thoughts and actions.

As against this, turn inward and compete with yourself- and then it is about improving. It is a constant evaluation of where you are today and where you wish to be tomorrow! The goals get set by yourself and the efforts emerge without much prompting.

Improvements need consistency of action to occur. That would mean developing the ability to keep at doing something over and over again until you begin seeing the results. However, repetitive behavior and action can, at many times, get to be boring. There is always something new and attractive and much more interesting that is around to distract you. So make sure that the improvement you wish to produce (in whichever area of life) holds out enough value so that you don’t get distracted or lose focus.

To create improvements in trading is not difficult because the attraction of the ultimate value is very evident- more profits, more satisfaction, more fame etc. In other words, it is more of everything that we desire. It is the creation of new habits that is the difficulty.

Habits are developed by persisting at the efforts to create one. Chief among them are identifying the main points that need to be set right. Like, get hold of some good methods. Or learn money and risk management. Or get control on quantity. Or maybe reduce impulsive behavior etc. etc. These are not difficult to get.

All it needs is to work it, at first, at least one minute a day (remember, infinitely better than not doing!) and then gradually start increasing the same action through days and weeks.

Suddenly, you reach a point where you realize that you are, actually, doing much better than you were earlier! And that was the goal, wasn’t it? Just continue with that ahead. And you will get it. Whatever you desired to improve!



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